Friday, September 3, 2010


Actually a Canadian movie staring James Woods!!

Now everyone talks about this on and I didn't have the opportunity
to watch it until now and I would have to say it was a pretty interesting
weird little movie.
If you haven't see it before its basically about
this guy named Max (Woods) who owns a little TV station
in Toronto which is basically a station that shows alot of
trash tv and he is out looking for the next big thing to
air on his station when he stumbles across something called
Videodrone (its basically a show where people get snuffed
thinking of what happened to the backpackers in Hostel
and then having those torture events streamed live on tv)
but unbeknown to him he does know that the signal carries
a subliminal message and shows it to his girlfriend and
tries to get it for his station and that is where is all
goes wrong and he begins to succumb to the the madness
and crazy hallucinations as the Videodrone takes hold of him
and it becomes a race against time to find out what it is and
how to stop it!
Personally I thought it was a pretty different movie
it was odd and interesting, but I found that it wasn't
a very long movie though.
Also it was one of those ones that does challenge
your perception of reality and what is actually
real, also the movie does a good job of making you
question what is happening and what is going on
through some nice editing and giving it a sense of
The effects in this were pretty wild but also
somewhat cool like the whole scene of Max
touching and kissing the TV that was all
pretty neat with the screen effect as well as the
sides and panels throbbing and pulsing.
along with the pulsing Videodrone tapes were
cool also. But I was wondering about a
few thing like the ear piercing scene
what that real or was that fake?
and what about the gun? where
did it go when he stuck it in the stomach slot?
was it there the whole time right up until
he pulled it back out? or did he not stick it
in there at all and that was just a dream?
also some weird things while watching this I kept
thinking to myself that the apartment of James Wood's character
had a very nice layout..I know its an odd thing to think about
also there was a sign in the glasses store that read
"we accept personal cheques" its odd to see a business doing that.
anyway this was a pretty good watch it made me thing
it was a bit like a cross between "The Ring" and "8MM"
but it was pretty good if you like the crazy mind bending, reality
warping movies give it a watch.

Also after watching it I took a look at the trailer
and there is nothing that has to do with the actual movie
in the trailer other then a couple of still shots
the trailer is completely animated with 80s CG effects. lol

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