Friday, July 9, 2010


Well first off when I think if the term "G Force" 2 things come to mind
1. the anime Battle of the Planets.
2. The organization that studies and monitors Godzilla.
I don't think of guinea pigs who are spies. first off I didn't think this movie was all that
good. if I was under 10 I would probably think it is the greatest movie ever but sadly I'm
not. personally after watching it I think it was over hyped and didn't live up to it like I
said I didn't think it was all that good. probably the only good thing about this whole thing
was the effects they were good and it has some mildly interesting action pieces but the rest
was not that good lame puns and catch phrases fill a lot of the dialog and its suppose to be
funny? I didn't even crack a smile watching this movie there were plenty of "ugh" and "sigh"
moments. The whole "appliances coming to life and transforming into robots thing" of course
reminded me of Transformers and especially the kitchen scene at the beginning of Revenge of
the Fallen.
this movie that nothing that wasn't seen before the editing in points even seemed off and the
basic story idea itself in a way reminds me of the Grant Morrison comic book mini-series We3.
Anyway I didn't really enjoy this one but then again like I said I'm not under 10.

Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie

I was thinking about this one just the other day and was saying I'd like to give it a watch
again and was surprised to find it here. I remember going to see this for the first when it
opened in theaters and I went with some friends on opening night. I was kind of displeased
by it and still am a little bit I find that this second Power Rangers movie lacks the
coolness and fun of the first one. The first one was awesome it felt original, fun, exciting,
new and everything that a movie based on something like this should be. the first one had
that wow feeling and was a serious step up from the show and was a true feature film worthy
of the title "Power Rangers:The Movie" as for this well this falls short of that it comes
off as kind of cheap and feels like you are just watching an extended episode like it was a
few "to be continued" ones strung together into a seamless story. also it lacks in
originality with its Gwildor (Masters of the Universe) rip off and Temple of Doom style well
temple..and of course we can't forget the "easily relatable" younger kid who is granted the
power. all in all its an alright movie but does not compare to the first.

Campfire Tales

This was actually very good, I'd have to say I did enjoy it greatly.
I must say I do like these Anthology type movies. were you get technically 4 little stories
instead of one full length one. Each story was very good and based on an urban legend which
of course made me think of the movie "Urban Legend" it also reminded me a bit of that tv
show from the 90s called "Are you afraid of the dark" that was a good show I use to watch it
all the time. Anyway as I was saying this was pretty good it was a fun watch.

Rest Stop - Don't Look Back

I don't know if this one is better or worse then the first one. but I am having a hard time
understanding these movies especially the whole ghost angle if that is what you want to call
them ghosts. but if they are ghost how can you touch them and talk to them? this also goes
with the creepy family from the fist one who return again but in the first of this movie
which takes place in the 70s shows the Truck Driver who is the killer killing the family and
then the story jumps to a year after the fist movie which is now in modern times but if they
were killed in the 70s and appeared in the first movie and again 40mins into this one does
that mean they are ghost also? I can understand the guy stalking the rest stop but the whole
ghost thing is where it looses me and the whole thing about the eyes they try to explain it
and give the villain a weakness that doesn't work to begin with...? at least it didn't seem
as convoluted as the first one but still crazy and somewhat nonsensical. but as the saying
goes "if you liked the first one you'll love this!"

Messages Deleted

This wasn't a bad thriller I kinda liked it. it was a good watch I also like the fact that
Matthew Lillard from Scream is in I always liked him he is kinda of a crazy guy.
the whole "stolen" script/story idea kind of reminded me of Secret Window and I had figured
out who the killer was by the hour mark but this was an alright movie.

Puddle Cruiser

and how is this movie funny? I didn't laugh once during this whole thing
I must have missed the funny parts somewhere along the line because I didn't
see anything that was remotely funny. I don't know were the fault lies
in the bland writing or in the deadpan acting. The only thing close to being
remotely humorous was the character "freaky freaky" the rest of the movie
was crap pure crap.

psychopathia sexualis

Hmmm I don't exactly know what to thinking about this one. It was oddly weird yet somewhat
interesting and done in a almost Documentary way. it was an alright watch and fro something
that has to do with sexual perversity there was very little nudity in it.
I wouldn't recommend it to everyone its not for the faint of heart.

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