Saturday, May 14, 2011

Red (2010)

R.E.D which stand for Retired and Extremely Dangerous

Now I did get a chance to read the books when they came out which of course was a shame I had seen them but didn't get a chance to pick them up.
Now the film starts out kinda slow with Bruce Willis character not really enjoying retirement and finding it hard to fill in the days after a life of action and adventure and ends up having a over the phone relationship with a female operation (played by Mary-Louise Parker) at the agency he use to work for. The film begins to pick up speed when operitives are sent to kill Willis after taking them out he goes on the run and gets his "old" team back to together and takes along Sarah Ross (the operator played by Mary-Louise Parker) that he was talking to becasue she may be in danger. With the team back together the group goes on one more adventure.
This action comedy comes along the lines of other films such as the A-Team and the Losers.
Some notable scenes where the Duct tape one after Wills' & Parker's characters meet and the whole stunt you see in the trailer of him stepping out of the car while it was still moving which was very cool when you watch the whole thing also the scene in the elevator with the "contact lens" was very funny you can tell that Parker's character was just happy to be there and taking part in this adventure . The movie itself was fun, exciting and very enjoyable the music was great and the editing and transitions were cool one of the best parts of the movie was the character of Marvin he was one of the best in the whole movie itself especially with the stuffed pig I didn't know why it was so important until I found out. All in all the film was good and do recommend giving it a watch if you want to have some laughs and some nice action.

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