Sunday, May 1, 2011

Black Swan (2010)

Well Now this should be an interesting one..

First off I'm not into ballet I never was its not really my thing
but being that everyone talked about this movie there was so much said and it went to the Oscars and won some awards (now winning doesn't automatically make it good) but wit hall that said and don't I thought
I would give it a watch.

This stars both Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis and various thing that they did in this film were highly talked about and publicized.

from what I figured is that Portman who plays this very shy and
innocent girl lands the role of a life time by playing the lead
role in a stage production of Swan Lake. but as opening night
draws closer she seems to descend into some type of madness
like I'm talking totally crazy with of course apparently some help
from Kunis who shows her how to be a bad girl or maybe it is all just
in Portman's head?

Now with in the first 20mins of this film I was saying
"this is one odd movie" I didn't know what was going on.
When Mila Kunis shows up Portman seems threatened and fearful
of Kunis, who doesn't seem to acknowledge Portman until the first

While watching this I like trying to figure it out
and I'm thinking is portman's character actually crazy
or this is a decent into madness. She starts to see
all kinds of crazy stuff and I begin to wonder what is
real and what isn't? like the old guy on the subway
was he really there? also she keep seeing people who
look just like her everywhere.
and there are painting laughing at her and what appear to
be ghost following her, as well as her growing wings and feathers?!?
and that part where she apparently kills Mila Kunis but doesn't...?
I'm all "what, the what?"

Now I might not catch all the little subtle nuances and symbolism
and all that is this film that apparently make it a brilliant masterpiece
but come on I would like to be able to understand what I'm watching.

The best way I can describe this film is that is it a female version
of Fight Club. Yes Fight Club staring Edward Norton and Brad Pitt
none other.
where Natalie Portman would be Edward Norton and
Mila Kunis would kind of be like Brad Pitt.
Now I know some might not agree with that but just thinking about it.
watch one then the other and you can kind of see where the two are some
what similar.

Now I can see why the film won and Oscar with its masturbation scenes
as well as its make-out sessions and lesbian sex scene lol
but seriously yes Natalie Portman was very good in this and you can
truly see her go through a vast array of emotions and does truly
amazing performance and her win was well deserved.

Also this film does have some very nice camera work in it
and its not one that you would thing would need or have
visual effects but when things do start to get crazy
and weird the visual effects were nicely done.

but in the long run this movie has plenty of "WTF?!?"
and that is pretty much it. some are calling it a drama
but I would put it in that one I think it leans more to being a
thriller then anything else...

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