Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mothman (2010)

For those of you not familiar with the legend of the "Mothman" you should go here

Now this was one of those made for TV movies.
now this was a pretty good watch, but it didn't really have alot of
facts about the actual events I think this was more fictionalized
"lets make a fun/spooky movie" type of thing and adds in some thing
that have nothing to do with the actual legend of the creature.

Now i felt this movie was very similar to the Jennifer Love Hewitt
spooker "I Know what you did Last Summer" which in my view is
a very good movie.. sadly this one was not as good.

The reason I said it was similar was the plot was
it was like they took pretty much the beginning of "I know what you did"
and changed it around to fit their film.

The movie had a pretty good start but you can see the similarity
in the first few scenes. A group of kids are partying and through
their "fun" they "accidentally" kill one of the main characters brother.
and then they go on and do the cover up..
I felt they ripped this scene right from "I know what you did"
after they "accidentally" kill the brother they have the whole
scene were the group of friends make a pact to never speak of this again
there is some resistance from Katharine (who is similar to
Jennifer Love Hewitt's character in "I know what you did")
but they eventually convince her to go along with this.

I sitting there thinking these people are crazy! and I can't
believe that this guys brother is so cold hearted to go along
with this..You just killed your brother and you fine with just
disposing of the body?!? this is your brother what are you
going to tell your parents when they ask where he is?
I'm all what? but the story goes on..

Katharine moves away and starts her own life
and is a reporter for some TV station and comes back to
town to cover the Mothman festival and meets up with
her one time friends. Who are now living shitty lives

Her one time boyfriend invites her to a get together
of the group that they have every year.
Now this get together is disturbing in itself as the group
gets together to to celebrate the anniversary of the day they
killed someone!! yes that is true! Also Katharine's one time
friends give her a hard time for moving away and becoming

Now Katharine's return home not only reconnects her
with the town and her one time friends but triggers the
Mothman attacks. Because this film the Mothman
is portrayed as some type of Spirit of Vengeance who comes
and avenges those who were killed in the same manner the
guys brother was.
Why did it wait all this time to do this? apparently all the
guilty parties have to be president in the general area that
this crime took place and when Katharine moved away
Vengeance could not be served. Basically in this
movie the Mothman is turned into a second rate
Ghost Rider and it goes on and begins to pick off
the Teens one by one and there is the race agsint time
to stop it.

Like I said it wasn't a bad movie it was filled the time
even though the acting was kind of bad at times
and the effects were pretty good for this. Give it a watch if you
are curious but if you want to see a amazingly good movie
about the Mothman then Watch The Mothman Prophecies

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