Sunday, August 1, 2010

RSO [Registered Sex Offender]

Now I don't know what to really make of this. It's one of those mock documentarys
or "mocumentarys" as people call them where it is a fictional film presented as a
documentary film. at first I thought it was a actual documentary but that feeling faded fast
becasue it is so over the top and you can tell it is all fake especially when you get to the end.
The basic story is the main character get into trouble do to a misunderstanding and is
sent to prison and labeled a sex offender. He is released and after he does his time
in prison and basically shows him readjusting to life once he gets out. it is a rather
funny film which will give you a laugh here and there from the main characters
wacky antics. I wouldn't say it is a good one and it isn't a bad one either
it was alright and filled the time.
One of the best things about it was the main characters girlfriend "Tina"
played by Kristen Tucker is very attractive. anyway if you like these wacky
films you might like this one also.

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