Friday, August 20, 2010


"Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if
you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference
between the dream world and the real world?"
The Matrix, 1999

With a masterful vision and an expert hand we get Inception.
Of course much like the movie the quite above is from we are asked
"What truly is Real" and of course there can be many parallels drawn between
this and the Matrix.
of course I'm not going to delve deep into what they are I don't think you want
to spend hours reading them any more then I want to spend that time writing them.
But enought about that were are here to talk about Christopher Nolan's stunning
new masterpiece.
I'll have to say the film is nicely cast and of course Nolan brought some
friends with him from Gotham City (Cillian Murphy, Ken Watanabe and Michael Caine)
and speaking of the Batman, The sweeping beautiful score of this film which
sadly I thought over shadowed the dialogue at times does sound like what we
heard in the Batman films. I'm not saying that's a bad thing its just something
I noticed is all. As for the films story it is so complex and multilayered that I at
times think it was struggling beneath its own brilliance.
I personally think with a film such as this you would have to watch it a couple of
time to truly see everything and to truly grasp the film as a whole and I don't think
the average movie goer would maybe have trouble completely comprehending
what they are watching.
Now with that said in my opinion at the very core of this movie it's a story about a
man who is lost (not physically mind you but more emotionally and mentally) and
trying to make up for past mistakes and gets the opportunity in doing so.
That is were the ending comes into I felt it was kind of a cheat the not knowing
for sure but I think he (DiCaprio's character) achieved his goal and found redemption
and his way home.
Now the one thing I had a problem with was the "how they could do what they did"
it was all "hey we can enter people dreams" but there was in my opinion no real
explanation about how that came about there is a quick explanation but I expected a
bit more. Also when it came to the ability to enter the dreams is it only certain people
who have this ablity? or can just anyone do it?
becasue DiCaprio's character just goes and like picks up Ellen Page and he is all
"we can mess with peoples dreams, we are doing it right now!" and then she is all
"seriously? cool!" and then she starts doing all kinds of crazy stuff and being all Neo
and shit and he is all "She is The One" and at that scene which was cool and all but I was
thinking she took to it a little to quickly. That also brings into the question of the
technology are part of the quick explanation I mentioned above they don't really go
into where it came from they do the whole "Milaraty devemopment" thing but that
makes you wonder did DiCaprio's character develop it or design it? if not where and how
did he get his hands on it? you really don't find that out.
Now another big draw of this film behind its story was the effects.
This film is a visual masterpiece in itself the effects were purely astonishing
and are pulled off with jaw dropping brilliance which you have to see this just for
that alone it was truly impressive.
The action was good, nice fights, fast paced. i did find the movie work quite fast it
seemed slow at first but picked up speed. Some scenes that stand out and where some
what humorous where the van falling into the river every time it cut to that it was kind
of funny in the slow motion way.
Also the snow sequence was kind of funny it seemed like something out of
James Bond or G.I. Joe but was cool and just different for this I guess.
In the end this was a great movie I wouldn't recommend it to everyone it
might go over some peoples heads but I thought it was excellent on all aspects.
this will probably be nominated for a few Oscars and most likely will win.

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