Thursday, August 12, 2010

Mega Man

Again I know what your thinking " Mega Man? the video game? They
never made a movie about that!" and my response to that is "Yes they
did!" or at least someone did! Now I have been a somewhat fan of
Mega Man (or Rocket Man as he is know in Japan) for a long time I played
the first one on the NES and most of the orginal series right up to
Mega Man X on SNES it was always a fun game. Now I was surprised
to see this movie. True it wasn't a big Hollywood Blockbuster it is
more of a little independent thing like something you would see from
Aslyum pictures. But.. that being said it wasn't to bad it was pretty
much a origin story, about how Mega Man was created and why
Doctor Wily is evil.

There was some cheesy effects and some bad acting and speaking
of bad acting the person playing Dr.Wily (Dave Mulbeck) was so
over the top it was laughable. Not only that but I couldn't stop
looking at the huge pimple on this forehead (lol). Also the one
playing the character of Roll was a little annoying, she somewhat
what bugged me a bit but I guess that was just me. I also seen
Mega Man as being very futuristic like in the games but this seems
to take play in modern day New York City (being low bidget you
don't have much for sets and production design) but that is not
necessarily a bad thing now.

Also the Evil robot master where pretty cool especially Cutman
and Gutsman they looked very similar to their game counter parts
it was quite awesome. As for the Mega Man and Protoman (yes Protoman)
were actually pretty good for this. This also had some
excellent music and a lot of game referances as well as
Dr.Wily's floating island!
If you were/are a Mefa Man fan seek this out and give it a watch
you might like it, if your not a fan pass on it.

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