Saturday, September 10, 2011

Super 8 (2011)

Now I wanted to see this being that the trailers looked
amazing and it just captured my attention. I must say that
if you go into this looking for a straight out Horror film you
might be somewhat disappointed. I can't really say that
this is a Horror picture I know it might seem that way from
the trailers and that but what it actually is...Is a
Thriller/Mystery that becomes
a out of this world adventure.

The film itself takes place in the 60s-70s and revolves about
a group of preteens/teens who are trying to make a monster
movie in there small sleepy little town
after the tragedy of the main characters mother. Its gets his mind off his loss
and spends time with his friends doing this project. This is all going as planed
until they are filming at the wrong place at the wrong time... when a train
is detailed caring a alien creature who just wants to go home and has some
sort of Electrical powers to go with its impressive size is accidentally unleashed
on the unsuspecting town. the young film makers go from making a monster movie
to being in one, as the military rolls in to try to capture the creature.

While at the same time the small group of friends must race again time to
save one of there own who was taken by unknown being from beyond the stars.

I must say I did enjoy film quite a bit it had that spookiness about it
with some jumps and scares along the way but also had some wonderful humor
that was all in the writing as well as some very nice action
it also had some nice touching scenes also having to do with understanding,
forgiveness and letting things go so that you can move on.

This was indeed very well crafted nicely shot and edited. The music was
prefect where it needed to be. The acting was very good and very believable
these kids were absolutely perfect. the action was fast and quick
and the effects were truly impressive.

The train crash I think was the main set piece of the movie itself and
that alone carries the wow effect. I was so amazed by that alone.

As for the creature you don't get to see it much at the start you
see a flash here and a glimpse there, a reflection or a swish of a
tail (it looked like it had some sort of tail) but as the movie rolls
on you get to see more and more an arm, the torso I think that this
piece by piece was very good way of doing this. You don't get to see
it close up pretty much until the very end. The only problem I thought
was its color its a smoky black and its usually in low light that you
see the creature. sure that makes it more mysterious and would hide
any possible imperfection in the creature design but on the other hand
it makes it harder to see it in full detail.

but you see enough were your satisfied with what you saw so its not
a real dower. But with that said this movie was fun, fast had humor and
heart. I don't want to say to much if you haven't seen it and you should.

Also stay and watch the credits you actually get to see the completed
film the kids made which is funny and adds to this films over all charm.

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