This is the first time I posted here in a while and I must say that I am sorry to anyone who is reading this that I haven't posted here in such along time. I am still enjoying films and still watch many, many films and I sill have a great passion for films in general and like I said I continue to watch pretty much everything. Its just that I don't have the time to sit down for a few hours to write up stuff about them. Now I did enjoy doing that sharing my thoughts with everyone, but at the moment I just don't have the time. I could ramble on and on about how amazing The Avengers was or how Epic the Dark Knight Rises was but like I said it all comes down to time.
This blog was meant to be something fun kinda like a hobby and not a serious job like thing
but hopefully in a the next little while I'll have a chance to come back and continue to do this
but until that time I hope you enjoy all the previous ones and found them at least helpful in
some way.